Farm Cove Sea Wall 2014

The existing sea wall at Farm Cove was rebuilt between 1867 and 1883, and has undergone a number of repairs and reconstructions since that time.

In 2013 structural movement in parts of the sea wall were observed, apparently caused by movement of the foundation material beneath sections of the wall that were not founded on rock. A number of options for the repair of the wall were explored, and it was finally decided to dismantle the affected sections of the wall on the east and west sides of Farm Cove and reconstruct them on new stone-faced precast concrete beam footings, supported on concrete piles, which replaced the apparent lowest course of the existing wall.

Orwell & Peter Phillips was appointed as heritage consultant for the construction phase, to monitor compliance with the terms of approval, as part of a team that also included archaeology and technical sandstone specialists. The works included reviewing documents and suggesting modifications to reduce adverse heritage impacts, as well as regular site inspections and liaison with other members of the project team during dismantling of the wall, installation of new footings, and reinstatement of stones, reusing as many as possible of the existing stones in their original locations. Other services included briefing the archival photographer who was engaged to record the works. On completion, a report was prepared for the NSW Heritage Council, describing the works, identifying heritage issues that arose, and making recommendations concerning the process for future repairs.

  • Peter Phillips
  • Suite 1504, 109 Pitt Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000
  • Tel 02 9221 8882
    Fax 02 9221 8887