Justice & Police Museum, Sydney, 2005

New Foyer

The project involved the design of a coordinated suite of furniture and building services to provide facilities for reception, merchandise and brochure display, sales, temporary cloaking, and essential fire and security services, all within the entrance porch of Edmund Blacket’s Police Court building, completed in 1856. The client, the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, required the new elements to be of recognisably modern design while respecting their historic setting. The project successfully integrates new elements into a significant interior without diminishing the visual qualities of the original space or damaging its fabric, and has greatly improved the appearance and functionality of the Museum entrance within a very limited budget. Photographs by Chris Bennett Photography.


  • Peter Phillips
  • Suite 1504, 109 Pitt Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000
  • Tel 02 9221 8882
    Fax 02 9221 8887
    Email peter@opp.net.au